Like premises liability or slip and falls, oil field accidents involve intense investigations, with a more fact rigorous investigation. Explosions, fires, falls from equipment, hands or fingers jammed between equipment, are all too common in South Texas. The issue usually doesn’t lay with the injured worker, the problem is frequently with workers being overworked or companies not properly training the employees. There are many companies that do not follow federal or state guidelines, which are in place to ensure the safety of workers. This can result in major injuries to employees or third parties.
What makes it even more complicated is oil drilling sites tend to have numerous contracts with various companies, all of which operate on one site. That’s when the finger pointing begins each to absolve themselves from liability. Finding where the issue began and creating a distinct and clear line to the actual wrong involves good work. We have handled oil field accidents ranging from shattered fingers to wrongful deaths. Knowing how to navigate is crucial in your case. Speak with an experienced personal injury attorney to get the answers to your questions. Call us anytime to 210-547-0505.