As the operations manager my job is to help ensure the firm is constantly striving to improve efficiency and customer service in order to provide the best experience for our clients day in and day out. For me, that means I am always looking to improve our workflow in ways that support maximizing client settlement outcomes, customer satisfaction and overall case management. I love seeing our clients walk away feeling happy about what is often a terrible disruption in their lives.
Why law?
Every industry I have worked in previously has involved a greater level of education and training in managing expectations and outcomes. With personal injury, I get to do what I love and actually see on a daily basis those positive client results! If there is anything I’ve learned thus far it’s that no two people or cases are the same. Every individual and family situation can teach us something new every day.
What are your favorite skills you bring to your job?
If I had to pick one or two skills I feel best support my role at the firm it would be humility and my skills in project management. Anyone can learn the steps and skills of what it takes to handle a personal injury matter. Humility, however, allows me to constantly be open to change in how we do business and change course when something no longer suits the interest of our clients.
What makes you happiest outside of work?
This question is easy! Spending time with my awesome husband and kids! I also really enjoy workouts with my daughter and family trips with our kids who are growing up way too fast!