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Establishment Accidents

Slip & Fall

Slip and fall accidents are some of the most common types of premise liability injuries. Slippery substances on the floor, uneven surfaces, poor lighting, or improperly installed handrails lead to most slip and fall accidents in Texas. Injuries usually entail soft tissue swelling and slight bruising.  But in severe cases, the injured person may sustain broken extremities, head trauma, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, disc injuries, or even death.

Recent Texas case law has made it difficult to prove your case against the business owner. Knowing this and potential jury verdicts, insurance companies will immediately downplay injuries and attempt to blame the victims themselves. They will argue that “you” should have been aware of your surroundings, that you should have been more cautions and paid attention to where you were walking.  This may hold true in certain situations, but what if the slippery substance could not be seen? What if an employee had been around the dangerous area for some time and did nothing to clean, advise, and protect the general public? 

When you go onto someone else’s property that landowner has a duty to warn and protect you from certain dangers. The level of responsibility owed depends on certain factors. What the property is used for, either commercial or personal use, and the type of danger, either obvious or difficult to see, are all factors in determining who is responsible for your injuries. Insurance companies attempt to gather evidence early on to use against victims.  Often, this includes a recorded statement with leading questions to provoke a certain response.  It is much better to have an experienced attorney handle your case. Our attorneys are personal injury attorneys and have the experience to walk you through these tricky situations.

By hiring an experienced personal injury attorney, you increase your chances of avoiding these dishonest defense tactics. Shifting blame solely on the premises owner ensures recovery of your medical expenses and future damages from the property owner who failed to correct or warn you of the dangerous situation. We have handled numerous slip and fall cases, ranging from a slip by the soda fountain center to a trip outside the premises due to an uneven sidewalk.  All have had devastating injuries.  If you believe that you have been injured as a result of a negligent business owner, call us at 210-547-0505.

Dram Shop “Bar” Cases

An individual was at a bar for a few hours, may have had nothing to eat during this time and was clearly overserved to the point of intoxication. They leave the bar or restaurant and cause an accident, causing someone to become severely injured or even worse, die.  We all hear these heartbreaking stories on the nightly news, sadly on a regular basis. But whose fault was it, the bartender who overserved the individual or the individual who kept ordering his drinks?

Properly navigating through the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission codes and rules on overserving patrons and the individuals own actions are fundamental to dram shop cases. Establishments that sell alcohol are held to certain standards, some which involve bartenders to be cognizant of individuals ordering and reaching the intoxication point.  Nearly all dram shop cases will involve a lawsuit being filed.  This is because dram shop cases are so fact intensive that it involves gathering of documents that can only be accessed through the discovery process. Only through discovery and depositions will one be able to succeed against the negligent bar or restaurant for overserving an individual and putting other lives at risk.

We have successfully litigated many dram shop cases, each distinct but nonetheless rewarding that someone was eventually held accountable. If you believe you or a loved one was a victim to overserving, call us at 210-547-0505.  We will gladly evaluate your case free of charge.

Event and Concert Venue Accidents

The recent disaster the unfolded in Houston at Astroworld is a reminder that concert venues aren’t always safe. Woodstock ’99 also claimed the lives of some unfortunate.  But venue accidents happen almost everywhere, whether it is a concert in downtown Dallas or a carnival in a small rural Texas town.

Many parties are usually involved in organizing events. There may be the production team, the security team, the food, and alcohol department, and so on.  In some situations, the parties involved may share liability. In other more defined and isolated incidents, one party may be to blame.  Knowing what to look for, what questions to ask, and whom to ask them from will ensure your injuries or those of a loved one are fully compensated.  It doesn’t just take filing a claim and hoping for the best, it takes a great team behind you in making sure all questions are answered!

If you or a loved one has been injured in any event or concert venue, call us. We are available 24/7 at 210-547-0505.


Ready to Fight for you!

No two cases are ever the same, that is why we, here at The Cantú Law Firm, take every case personally.

  • We promise to take the time to know all the facts of your case.
  • We promise to treat every case as if it is our first.
  • We promise to always have your best interest in mind. Whether that is settling your case or going to trial.



The Cantú Law Difference

No two cases are ever the same, that is why we, here at The Cantú Law Firm, take every case personally. We strive to keep our clients informed of any updates with their cases and are dedicated to ensuring our client’s current and future needs are taken care of.

In pursuit of this mission, we stick to our core values:

  • Compassion
  • Dedication
  • Strength


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